Joe’s Slinger Service believes in the importance of supporting the communities that have supported us. One way we do this is by giving back through donations. Whether it’s contributing to local charities, sponsoring community events, or supporting initiatives that align with our values, we’re committed to making a positive impact. These donations aren’t just about financial support; they’re about investing in the well-being and growth of the communities we serve. By giving back, we’re not only fulfilling our social responsibility but also strengthening the fabric of our community and helping to create a better future for everyone.

Congratulations to Andy Schneider, winner of a $25.00 gift card at Bilda’s Friess Lake Pub.

Congratulations to Ron Melius, winner of a $25.00 gift card at Bilda’s Friess Lake Pub.
Play 4 Cade Organ Donor Awareness
The Schumacher’s donating a raffle basket plus a monetary donation to help support Organ Donor Awareness in honor of Cade. “… with Cade’s love of baseball blazing the way, his sense of humor reminding us to live this life, and a true desire to raise awareness of the gift of organ donation…”

Joe presenting the Slinger Gridiron Club President a check for $500 towards the Slinger High School Football Field Turf project.

Congratulations to Rich Kratz, winner of the Back to School drawing for a backpack and gift card!

Congratulations to Jeff Patterson! He is the Grand prize winner of the $350 Referral Gift Card to Best Buy!