Owning a car is a huge financial investment, but a necessary one. It goes without saying that vehicles need routine maintenance and repair and unfortunately delaying maintenance is one of the biggest mistakes car owners make.

Top 10 Biggest Car Mistakes Joe’s Slinger Service Slinger WI
Whether you drive a new vehicle or a late-model vehicle, avoid these 10 costly mistakes.
- Starting your car and driving off immediately.
- Your vehicle’s engine is a collection of moving parts. Those parts rely on fluids and lubricants to move freely. When your car has been resting, those fluids cool down and congeal. For them to flow through the engine again, the vehicle’s motor needs to run. This is why it is so important to allow your car to warm up after you start it. Even 30-60 seconds of uninterrupted run time is enough to distribute critical fluids through your engine and decrease wear and tear.
- Using the Wrong Fuel
- May sound found ridiculous, but many drivers are using the wrong fuel in their car. Your vehicle’s owner manual will tell you what type of fuel to put in your car. IF it recommends premium fuel, you should only be using premium fuel and the same goes for any car that a manufacturer recommends to run on regular fuel.
- Changing Oil Too Infrequently
- Think of your car’s oil system as its heartbeat. If your oil gets dirty or depleted, it’s impossible for your engine to run well. You should be changing your oil every 3,000 -5,000 miles as per your owner’s manual tells you. Changing your oil too often or too infrequently can damage your car’s engine.
- Failing to Check Tire Pressure
- For the best handling and control, your car’s tires need to be properly inflated. You don’t want to over-inflate them and you certainly don’t want to under-inflate them. Check your tire pressure when you fill up at the pumps and add air as needed.
- Driving on Bald Tires
- Driving on bald tires is dangerous and irresponsible. Cars with bald tires don’t handle well and aren’t safe during wet or inclement weather conditions. Make sure to check your tread depth each year. A way to check this is by taking a penny, turning it upside down, and inserting it between the grooves of your tires. If you can see Lincoln’s head, your tires are bald. Just think about all you have riding on those tires and make the investment for new ones before they become unsafe!
- Ignoring Check Engine Lights
- Manufacturers put those nasty check engine lights on your dashboard for a reason! They are trying to tell you something and ignoring your check engine light is a recipe for disaster! Sometimes the issue could be something as simple as a code, but it also could be something as serious as a faulty catalytic converter.
- Not Keeping Up with Routine Maintenance
- It is very easy to keep up with vehicle preventive maintenance such as oil changes and filter replacements. This stops problems before they start! However, IF you neglect these easy routine tasks, you’re putting your engine at risk for damage resulting in costly repairs and replacements!
- Ignoring Strange Noises
- Don’t turn up your radio hoping to drown out that noise you have been hearing for so long. There are only two ways to know if your vehicle has an issue that needs attention. One is the dashboard lights, and the other is listening to noises as you drive. If you hear banging, popping, whistling, grinding, or any other sound that is not normal to your car, it’s critical to get it checked.
- Not Replacing Air and Fuel Filters
- To keep your car running well, you need to check your vehicle’s filters at least every six months. Not only your cabin air filter, but other air and fuel filters decrease your engine’s workload, thereby reducing wear and tear and improving your car’s lifespan. Replacing those filters regularly is a simple way to keep your car running well.
- Ignoring Safety Recalls
- Safety recalls are a HUGE deal for car owners. If you become aware of a safety recall that affects your vehicle, contact a dealership to schedule any needed repairs immediately. The repairs will be free and could save you time, money, and injury down the road.