Your vehicle should travel straight when you drive on a smooth flat road. If you notice that your car is pulling or drifting to the right when driving, this could be an indication of a tire problem, an alignment problem or a braking system problem.
Tire Problem
A tire that has developed a very irregular wear can cause your car to pull. As tires age the bond that holds the steel belts and tread to the tire carcass deteriorates, this can cause a section of the tire tread and belt or the entire tire tread and belt to shift and cause a pull in the vehicle or a bump sensation and a pull. Tires with slipped belts are unsafe and should be changed. If changing all four tires it is also recommended to align the vehicle afterwards.
Alignment Problem
Problems with your alignment can cause your vehicle to pull or drift to the right or left or both. It can also be indicated by your steering wheel being off center. If your vehicle is having an alignment problem the first step should be to fully inspect the suspension and steering of your vehicle. A bent or worn steering or suspension component could be the cause of your pull. A pull to the right for an alignment problem can be a safety concern, it is important to have the vehicle fully inspected so you can know the scope of your problem, repair the pull by replacing the failed component and having the vehicle aligned after.
Braking System Problems
Braking system problems can cause a pull to the right or to the left. If you are having a problem with your brake hydraulics the brakes on one side of your vehicle may be staying applied or partially applied. Driving with brakes partially applied on the right side of your vehicle would cause the vehicle to pull to the right, and an excessive amount of heat would be generated by the right front or rear brakes. It is important to both measure the temperature and the rolling resistance of all four wheels to determine which wheel is binding. In this situation repairing the hydraulic problem with the braking system of your vehicle will cause your vehicle to drive straight again.
A pull to the right can be an indication of a safety concern and should not be ignored. Let the mechanics at Joe’s help identify and repair the cause of your pull to the right. At Joe’s we believe in inspecting your entire vehicle every time so that you have a full understanding of the entire state of your vehicle. Even when coming in for a specific concern such as a pull to the right we will check the entire vehicle to help ensure that after our repair you are in safe and reliable transportation.

why is my car pulling to the right Joe’s Slinger Service Slinger WI